Current Specials

Order Valentines Day Cookies by January 31 and save 10%

Football cookies for the big game!!! Choose from Denver colors, Seattle colors, or a mix of the 2. Only $30 for 1 dozen or $50 for 2 dozen. Must be ordered by Sunday January 26th.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Accidents!

Have you ever had a happy accident?  My husband didn't know what I know, when you mess something up, but the result is actually really great!  Well, that happened to me yesterday.  I was in my kitchen baking up dozens of cookies.  I had several orders to fill, plus trying to get lots of extras ready for a Ladies Night Out event where I will be selling my yummy sweets.  On my list was, of course, Chunka-Chunka-Chocolate-Love!  They have GINORMOUS chunks of chocolate and are unbelievably yummy, especially with pecans!

This is what they usually look like! Uh-mazing!  I CANNOT make extras of these for the house, because I WILL eat them!  When I first started making these, the first few batches spread too far and came out exceedingly thin.  Then, someone turned me on to the beauty of refrigerating the dough just before the cookies go in the oven...perfection!

But, yesterday, my first batch came out looking like this...

Not enough spreading! They are super thick, not necessarily bad, but different than they usually are.  I tasted them, shared them with some friends, and they are great! As I was making the dough for round two, I realized what I did to the first batch to keep them from spreading....I COMPLETELY forgot to put in the brown sugar!!  I was chatting with my mother-in-law and got distracted.  I am seriously ADHD!!  So, now it seems I have two different versions that look a little different, but both taste outstanding!!  In fact, my 12 year old niece prefers the one with less sugar!!  So, now available from The Sweetest Thing, Original Chunka-Chunka-Chocolate-Love, and 50% less sugar Chunka-Chunka-Chocolate-Love!  And here I thought I had 3 dozen cookies that I couldn't sell!!  Yippeeeee for happy accidents!

1 comment:

  1. Both pictures look like all the cookies would be delicious. Love a chewy chocolate chip cookie, the more chocolate the better :)
